Saturday, August 13, 2011

I'll be back....soon!

I've been M.I.A. for a couple of months, but I'll be back and bloggin' daily soon, very soon. Here's an update of things that have been happening:

 So, I'm still in the lower 220's, which isn't horrible, but I could have done better. I've got to find the almighty motivation I had before! I've recently made the decision to start taking an anti-depressant again---and it helps. My depression made getting up in the morning difficult, so staying motivated in order to keep losing weight just wasnt happening. Sometimes we gotta be a big girl and ask for help. So, here I am, a month in, and I'm feeling like it's time to get back on the weight loss wagon. Our gym finally opened back up (I swear it was closed for maintenance for a MONTH, sheesh.) So, thats where I stand. I hope all of my wonderful weight loss buddies have been doing well and staying healthy <3

Saturday, May 28, 2011

This morning's workout started with some light stretching, followed by a few dumbell exercises. Then I walked to the gym--ohhhh it felt good to be back. I hopped onto the treadmill and promised myself I wouldnt walk slower than 3.0 mph---and I did it! (It's the little things...) I normally start off my walk @ 2.6-2.8mph and slowly work up to 3.6 mph, and jog/run for a couple minutes @ 4.4-4.8mph. Starting out at 3.0mph is a small victory in my fitness level. I didnt focus as much on raising the incline this time--I'm more focused on increasing my speed at this point. I'm proud of myself.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Scale says: 218 again!

I'm finally off my eating binge, and I'm officially 218lbs again. Thank goodness. I've start incorporating bits of exercises while I'm watching tv, waiting for things to cook, sitting at work, etc. Does anyone watch the show "The Dr's" ? Well the other day they mentioned something that is sticking with me : eat less, move more---simple as that! I'm back in the habit of using my George Foreman grill and eating chicken salads again. My body feels a little deprived, but thats to be expected, I'll get back to normal in no time! The upside to my recent poor eating habits is that I tend to lose weight quickly when I start eating uber-healthy again---yippee!

Side note: yesterday I noticed my shoulders and arms are getting more toned! :) It made me happy!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Confession Time.

Alright, let's get this over with. Confession: I've gained back about 5 lbs this month (I gained a few back since my last post..blah!), I'm not exercising for as hard and as long as I should be in order to lose weight, and my eating habits are less than perfect. Grrr. All I can do is DO BETTER. I have about six months until my official "goal weight weigh-in" (see side bar), so although I have time to lose the weight, I dont want to wait until the last two months and starve myself thin---I want to start now and have a healthy steady weightloss until November.

Since I need to lose 36 more pounds, that averages out to 6 pounds a month I need to lose. It's crunch time people! No excuses. I've struggled alot this past month or so and I'm hoping I can get passed all the stress and just focus on what I need to do. Deep breath in....and release. Here goes.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Yay! 216 again!

Scale is back down to 216! Woop Woop! I'm super excited, can you tell?  :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

theres hope.

Scale said 218.4 this morning! Yay! It's slowly going down! Here's to hope!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Still Exhausted.

So the scale says 219.0, which is a little bit of relief, but still upsetting. I guess I should thank my lucky stars it's even going down---still havent been back to the gym, have only worked out once since my last post, and although I'm not binge eating, I'm still too exhausted to do anything. I'm not sure if my depression is kicking in or what, but somethin's gotta give! I'm just not my normal self, havent been for about two weeks....(which my boyfriend keeps pointing out...Eeeek). Stress is really building up lately, so naturally my body doesnt want to get up and GO...but I really wish I could mentally get back on track. I'm down in the dumps right now, but I'm sure 3-4 good workouts will help my mood's just a matter of getting up and acutally DOING IT. Wish me luck :/