Monday, March 21, 2011

Getting back on track... Eeeek :/

What's been happening:
So, the last two weeks I've only lost a few pounds, and I'm pretty much at a standstill @ 218lbs. I've not been tracking my sugar/carbs, I'm being less strict, and I've had several fast-food meals and sugary foods. I'm needing to get back on! I'm starting with drinking more water throughout the day to flush the crap I've put into my body lately. Oh, I've also had a few nights of drinking, which has dehydrated me and made me lethargic..yuck.
What I plan to do:
Workout. I am going to begin working out at least every other day! I would like to commit to at least 4 days of cardio in the gym, I think that's a good start.

Weight Goal:
I'm trying to think of a reasonable goal weight for this time in April.... I'll keep ya posted on what I decide.

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